Virgo Full Moon (Eclipse) - 14th March 2025

Friday 14th March 2025 at 06.55 GMT is the Virgo full moon total lunar eclipse

My Moon Musingsā€¦Ā 

The last Leo full moon came to help you to take big, brave bold steps towards your future.Ā  Then, to help you to come home to your soul and allow the divine to weave through you was the Pisces new moon...

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Pisces New Moon - 28th February 2025

Friday 28th February 2025 at 00.45 GMT is the Pisces new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Aquarius new moon came to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision. Then, to help you to take big, brave bold steps towards your future was the Leo full moon.Ā  Now to help you to come home to y...

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Leo Full Moon - 12th February 2025

Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 13.53 GMT is the Leo full moon

My Moon Musingsā€¦Ā 

The last Cancer full moon came to illuminate the way forward into the new traditional year. Then to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision was the Aquarius new moon. Now to help you to take big, br...

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Aquarius New Moon - 29th January 2025

Wednesday 29th January at 12.36 GMT is the Aquarius new moon.

My Moon Musings

The last Capricorn new moon came to set the tone for traditional year ahead and move you into deeper purpose and potential. Then, to illuminate the way forward into the new traditional year was the Cancer full moon. Now ...

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Cancer Full Moon - 13th January 2025

Monday 13th January 2025 at 22.27 GMT is the Cancer full moon

My Moon Musingsā€¦Ā 

The last Gemini full moon came to help you to tell and begin to live a new life story. Then, to set the tone for traditional year ahead and move you into deeper purpose and potential was the Capricorn new moon. Now to ...

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Capricorn New Moon - 30th December 2024

Monday 30th December at 22.27 GMT is the Capricorn new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Sagittarius new moon came to help you to envision the year ahead and anchor in supportive new beliefs. Then, to help you to tell and begin to live a new life story was the Gemini full moon. Now to set the tone for...

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Winter Solstice - Welcoming back the light...

This weekend we have the winter solstice which occurs when the sun is at its farthest south and lowest point in the sky, bringing us the shortest day of the year and marking the start of winter. These days ā€“ at the midpoint and end of the traditional year ā€“ are the ideal time to be still and check i...

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Gemini Full Moon - 15th December 2024

Sunday 15th December 2024 at 09.02 GMT is the Gemini full moon

My Moon Musingsā€¦Ā 

The last Taurus full moon came to help you to anchor in new vibrational frequencies and shift into new timelines. Then, to help you to envision the year ahead and anchor in supportive new beliefs was the Sagittarius n...

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Sagittarius New Moon - 1st December 2024

Sunday 1st December at 06.21 GMT is the Sagittarius new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Scorpio new moon came to help you to reclaim your power, intuition and wisdom. Then, to help you to anchor in new vibrational frequencies and shift into new timelines was the Taurus full moon. Now to help you to ...

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Pluto in Aquarius - One of the most transformative cosmic shifts of our lifetime

Pluto moves in Aquarius - Today begins our rebirth!

Today brings an energy that no one alive has ever experienced and a new timeline for us to move into where things begin to shift and move, with new codes and new information coming in.Ā 

For the last few months there has been purging, clearing and...

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Taurus Full Moon - 15th November 2024

Friday 15th November at 21.28 GMT is the Taurus Full Moon

My Moon Musingsā€¦Ā 

The last Aries full moon came to culminate the eclipse portal and push us to move forwards in a new way. Then, to help you to reclaim your power, intuition and wisdom was the Scorpio new moon. Now to help you to anchor in ...

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Samhain (Halloween or All Hallowsā€™ Eve)

Our ancestors used to split the year into two parts ā€“ the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). The word ā€˜Samhainā€™ means summerā€™s end and traditionally marked the end of the season of light and the beginning of the season of dark. This was commonly considered the Celtic (and later ā€“ an...

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Scorpio New Moon - 1st November 2024

Friday 1st November at 12.47 GMT is the Scorpio new moonĀ 

My Moon Musings

The last Libra new moon solar eclipse came to help us to make new choices about the future direction of our lives. Then, to culminate the eclipse portal and push us to move forwards in a new way was the Aries full moon. Now ...

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Why Work With The Moon's Energies?

Why work with the moonā€™s energies?

Working with moon energy helps us to know ourselves like never before. She removes the masks we wear, uncovers the truth and takes us on a deep dive beneath the ā€˜Iā€™m fineā€™ storyĀ we tell ourselves and others and into our hidden inner worlds ā€“ right to the heart of ...

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