Pisces New Moon - 28th February 2025
Feb 24, 2025
Friday 28th February 2025 at 00.45 GMT is the Pisces new moon
My Moon Musings
The last Aquarius new moon came to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision. Then, to help you to take big, brave bold steps towards your future was the Leo full moon. Now to help you to come home to your soul and allow the divine to weave through you is the Pisces new moon.
This new moon, in the final sign of the zodiac, comes to help us to wrap up the end of one astrological year and move into another. This new moon also opens up our next eclipse portal, which is going to be hugely powerful and transformative in so many ways.
Eclipses work with the lunar nodes (the nodes of destiny or fate) and come along to help us to move back onto our soul’s path, think of them like a course correction from your soul.
The north node, which is our future collective destiny, is currently in Pisces guiding us into a new future where we are led by our intuition and inner knowing and aware that we are part of something way greater and have a purpose here on earth at this time.
This Pisces new moon is the anchor point of this energy, the guiding light towards this destiny, showing us the way and leading us into our first eclipse on our new lunar node axis with the Virgo full moon lunar eclipse on the 14th of March.
The more that you can work with the energies of this new moon and the waxing moon, the more prepared you will be for the eclipses and can use them to elevate your life and move further along your soul’s pathway.
Because that’s what this new moon truly wants to do – connect you with your soul self. This new moon is a reminder that you are a soul having a human experience and is asking you to become an active participant in the unfolding of your soul’s journey.
It’s a reminder that life is not happening to you, it’s all happening for the evolution, growth, and expansion of your soul. The more that you can understand this and begin to surrender to the flow of life the more magical and meaningful it will all become.
As we close of another astrological year with Pisces season, this new moon wants you to make changes and choices in your life that are going to help you to live in higher consciousness and align to more of your soul’s calling.
This new moon is your opportunity to wipe the slate clean, start over, begin again and to finally start to live the life that you want to live, especially when the Spring Equinox arrives, bringing us a brand-new astrological year.
You may feel a cosmic reality check at this new moon, as you’re shown the places in your life that you are quite simply getting in your own way. This new moon is going to ask you to truly look at where you are in your life and how you are (or aren’t) living the life that you desire for yourself.
Anything stirring within you at this moon is to help to take you towards more of your soul’s truth and calling and depending how far along the path you are that may be small (yet meaningful) changes or something bigger and bolder that calls to you.
This new moon is a call back to your soul, the spiritual, the divine and into deep trust. It’s asking you to become an active participant in the unfolding of your life and flow with rather than fight against it.
Remember who you are. Remember why you’re here. Come home to your soul and begin to live life from this place. Your soul has been waiting to welcome you back. It’s time.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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