Cancer Full Moon - 13th January 2025

Jan 08, 2025

Monday 13th January 2025 at 22.27 GMT is the Cancer full moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Gemini full moon came to help you to tell and begin to live a new life story. Then, to set the tone for traditional year ahead and move you into deeper purpose and potential was the Capricorn new moon. Now to illuminate the way forward into a new traditional year is the Cancer full moon.

There could not be a more perfect full moon to guide us into a new traditional year. This full moon is working with many of the key energies of 2025, illuminating our ways forwards.

The astrology of this year is powerful, rare, revolutionary, evolutionary and has never been seen before in recorded history. It’s asking us to begin to really step into our soul missions for this lifetime.

And so, it is absolutely perfect that this first full moon of the biggest year of our lives so far is in her home sign of Cancer, beckoning you home, calling you home to yourself and asking you to begin the year as you mean to go on, at home in yourself.

This is a moon that is going to call you into knowing, loving, trusting, accepting, honouring, understanding, celebrating, and owning all of yourself, as that’s how you will begin to realise why your soul came here for these times and what you came here to do.

She will show you that you need to be the healing, love, strength support, medicine, and nurturing that you are seeking. It all begins with you and how you feel about yourself and how at home you are in yourself – you need to become your own safe space and sanctuary.

A beautiful practice to do over this full moon, and even daily through the whole of 2025 is to give yourself a hug. In fact, do that now. While you are reading this, hug yourself. Put your arms around you and hold you. Close your eyes and sink into the loving presence of your own arms.

Now ask yourself what you need, in this moment or today to feel loved, safe, supported and cared for. Listen within for the answers. Let your soul soothe you and show you the way.

Because your soul is going to loudly speak this year as each one of us is called to step up and show up and begin to play our part in where the world goes next. 

You may find yourself pushed along your path at this full moon needing to leap out of your comfort zone or face up to things that you have been avoiding or accept challenges that you’ve not felt quite ready for – you soul knows and wants to help you to see all that you are truly capable of in this powerful year.

This full moon is a powerful call home to yourself and your power and to fully claim what you desire, living in a way that is true to who you are and who you are here to be.

Your desires are part of where the world needs to go next and as you bring them to life you co-create the new world and play your souls part. Claim what you want and who you want to be.

Take back your power, find safety in yourself, know, love and support yourself and allow yourself to dive deep into the current of life and let your soul lead the way. It’s time to remember who you are and what you came here for this lifetime.

Start this year as you mean to go on, at home in yourself.

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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