Sagittarius New Moon - 1st December 2024
Nov 27, 2024
Sunday 1st December at 06.21 GMT is the Sagittarius new moon
My Moon Musings
The last Scorpio new moon came to help you to reclaim your power, intuition and wisdom. Then, to help you to anchor in new vibrational frequencies and shift into new timelines was the Taurus full moon. Now to help you to envision the year ahead and anchor in supportive new beliefs is the Sagittarius new moon.
This is the last full lunar cycle of 2024 and this new moon is all about doing the deep inner work so that you are ready to lay the foundations of your 2025 intentions with the Capricorn new moon.
The first thing that the Sagittarius new moon will really help with, especially as mercury is retrograde, is to review the traditional year gone by and what you learned about you, life and how you want to perhaps choose to do things differently next year.
Sagittarius is also a sign that seeks to take you into your full potential and so I’d also love you to reflect on whether you lived up to your full potential this year or whether you allowed fears or doubts to hold you back and listened to that little voice say “what if it doesn’t work out”.
Visualise where you could be in your life right now if you’d taken every opportunity, trusted and believed and leapt and just gone for it. I want you to really allow yourself a moment to fully visualise where you could be right now as we come to the end of another traditional year if you’d instead listened to the quieter whisper of your soul when she said “but what if it all works our perfectly”.
Because that is part of the magic of this moon – changing your beliefs and frequency and flipping your “what ifs” from all that could go wrong to all that could go right. Because the truth is that your beliefs create your reality and this moon wants you to shift your beliefs to those that support you and tell you that you can.
As we close out a traditional year and prepare to enter another, this new moon wants to help you to shift your inner beliefs, challenge your truths and rewrite your stories for next year. What do you want to be true for you next year? What beliefs are you going to begin to live by?
As we anchor in these new beliefs at this new moon this means that you will be able to set bigger and bolder intentions for yourself at the next Capricorn new moon, which will lay the foundations for 2025 and all that it will bring.
The deep dreams and desires and the big vision you have for 2025 is part of your soul's destiny this lifetime but there is only you that can bring this to life and it all begins within you – with you getting into the frequency of what you want and believing it’s possible.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
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