Sagittarius New Moon - December 2020

Jan 26, 2021

Monday 14th December at 16.16pm (GMT) brings us the Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The last new moon in Scorpio was a deep emotional dive and asked you to step into your own power and live a life of passion and purpose. Then along came the Gemini full moon lunar eclipse to help you to surrender all that’s no longer meant for you and expand out into the slightly uncomfortable unknown where growth and change and new experiences happen. Now here comes the Sagittarius new moon solar eclipse to bring a powerful point of new creation and to move you forwards into the unknown as you follow your bigger visions and dreams.

So, so, SO much energy coming in with this new moon solar eclipse! The sun and moon together in Sagittarius are opening a powerful portal that symbolises a real new beginning – and goodness knows we need it after this year.

As we’ve learned over the last few weeks, eclipses are tied to the lunar nodes. This time it’s the south node that’s active. The south node is to do with our past lives, what we came into this life with, karma and what is comfortable to us, it’s like our comfort zone. Our aim when working with the nodes is to try and move out of the comfort zone of our south node and towards our true north in following our north node.

With this new moon solar eclipse you will find that you are being called into something bigger, something higher, something more expansive, it’s as though you’ll be able to feel the call of your soul.

Solar eclipses are like an amplified new moon bringing real new beginnings, but as the south node is active this comes with a sense of having to let go first so that this space can be replaced with the new beginnings that you are seeking. No longer can we have one foot in the ‘safety’ of the past and our comfort zone yet still expect to be able to move forward and expand into the future.   You are being asked to now truly let go of anything that is no longer your truth, anything not serving you, working for you or expanding you. 2020 has changed us all and what you perhaps thought was true for you and the direction of your life at the start of the year may now be completely different, it’s time to be honest about that and what it is that you really want, and equally what you no longer want to take forwards with you.   2020 has shaken us all and it’s time to find our faith once more. Sagittarius is a sign that continually seeks to find the meaning of life and expand understanding and consciousness as far as possible. This new moon will help you to once more find meaning and faith, not just in life, but also in yourself. This is a new moon to celebrate yourself for getting through this year and all of its challenges, it’s a moon for showing up for yourself and believing in all that you are capable of.    With this new moon solar eclipse you will find that you are being called into something bigger, something higher, something more expansive, it’s as though you’ll be able to feel the call of your soul. What would you do if you knew you could not possibly fail? Like the Sagittarius archer, it’s time to take aim and draw back your bow. This Sagittarius new moon solar eclipse is here to make anything and everything that your heart and soul desires become possible…

Lunar Love Notes

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